Saturday, February 21, 2009


Please do not post mean things about other people or any kind of hurtful thing.
Also NO bad words. I will remove any comment that is not appropriate.

( With effect from tomorrow, 22 Feb)

Thank you.
Elsha and Cheddar Management

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

11 is a dreaded number

Today I just turned 11 (more specifically around 8.30pm)............
that means no more 10-ish stuff :(
Oh well.............
I seriously DO NOT want to turn 11,but I already have so what can be done?
Being 11 means that in just 2 years I will leave my childhood(practically)and become a horrible 'I think I'm so cool' adolescent (teenager).
Let me warn U:
11 is a dreaded number.(It's also a prime number but what difference does that make?)
But HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me all the same. :)

*P5 Camp

I think the camp was brilliant!There were so many fun activities.
I know a lot of you are complaining about the toilets,dorms etc., but come on, this is camp! I was in group 17 so we had to perform the cheer by ourselves.
Our trainer's name is Je'taime:'I love you' in french.I think the food they gave was
ok......Some days it was really nice, but others they gave us spicy food and, no offence, I detest spicy food.
No such thing as toads or frogs in our dorm(4) and we slept really late and some girls kept waking me up..............
I do think the management should do something about the locks in the girls' bathroom. And the shirts were huge. (It was very sandy),but I l-o-v-e-d the songs and cheers and the claps we learnt.
The showers weren't that bad.In fact, I quite enjoyed the cold water. Camp chief Mac and the Trainers were really funny.
I hope all of you had fun........
(This would be my longest post so far in the history of my blog.So please forgive for any grammar,spelling etc. mistakes)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Hi all! My hobbies are:
  • Reading
  • Ice skating
  • Playing with my pet rats
  • Playing Zoo Tycoon 2 (computer game)
  • Listening to music
  • Watching Phineas and Ferb
  • Dancing
