Friday, April 17, 2009


2 Qs for you:
1 Do you have a pet(s)?
2 If yes, what is it/are they?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sports Day

Today was Sports Day! It was super hot and the sun kept shining in my eyes.
I ran for the 100m girls and the 4 x 100m girls(4th runner).And guess what? I/my team was FIRST for BOTH! Yay! ( I was really scared before the races.............)
(I'm in 5 Intermingling B.) :)

Monday, April 6, 2009


I think that creativity is say 60% inborn and 40% taught. Creativity is having new ideas and how people express their personality in different ways. If you are talking about being good at writing and drawing that is mostly a gift that you are born with, but some kinds of creativity can be nurtured.
For instance, if you have some skill at drawing and your parents are very supportive and send you for classes and always encourage you, then you will probably get better (if you have the will). :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Part 1: My experience of courtesy
I don't think Singaporeans are very courteous. When I go to England I notice that people are more courteous there. But in Singapore people are not so courteous and friendly and I admit I am sort of like that too. But in England I feel more like being courteous because the atmosphere is more courteous there and people are nice and friendly and more polite.
I'm not saying that Singaporeans are not friendly, but they are always in a rush and don't have time to be very polite. So I just blend in and am not so polite, basically because I can't really be bothered. Hee hee........

Part 2: What courtesy means to me
Hmmm......................... As I said in Part 1 I am not exactly the most courteous person on earth, but I guess courtesy to me means polite behaviour and generally being nice and friendly. Also formal behaviour as you would behave on a formal occasion.