Friday, August 21, 2009

Rat's birthday

Elsha and Cheddar's birthdays are tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(22nd August.) I guess they wouldn't really appreciate somthing like humans would for a present so I'm just going to give them delicious treats.............they LOVE food. By the way, they will turn ONE tomorrow..............

Friday, August 14, 2009

*A quote

"Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot."
Clarence Thomas

What does this quote mean to me?
Well, I'm not exactly a quote-y kind of person........but, oh well.

I guess it means that no matter how smart you are, if you are rude to people, they won't listen to you or be nice to you.

So if you're all smarty-pants, but you're completely stuck up and rude and proud, people won't like you.

Being polite can warm peoples hearts, and can make people your friends. know. Have good manners.:)

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I'm so happy today because I just got a swaveboard that I have been craving for months and months..................!!!!!!!!!!!! It's black with white hibiscuses on it and it's called Black Hibiscus. Once you know how to move on it it's really easy. You need to be able to balance well. My friends, Miriam and Christy, have swaveboards too. It's so fun!!!!!!!!!!:)and I love the feeling of going down slope at top speed................

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I felt like posting something but I have no idea what to write about so I'll just tell you that Elsha and Cheddar's birthdays are coming up............:)