Friday, January 30, 2009

Chinese file

I can't buy the Chinese (purple) ring file. It's always out of stock!

........Really irritating...........

Friday, January 23, 2009

Chinese New Year

Hi all!
Happy Chinese New Year!!!
I've quite a lot of homework but I think
5 days is enough to complete it.
Happy holidays!
(Try not to think about homework.)
:) :) :)

Monday, January 19, 2009


To: Mrs Tay & others
I really am rather stressed. I have extra classes every day except for Friday.
Plus, I have quite a lot of homework from school as well as my tuition classes. This results in going to bed late and not having sufficient sleep.
Sometimes I feel like pulling my hair out!
But what calms me down at the end of the day is playing with my pet rats.

It's a fact that people who own pets live longer.......

Friday, January 16, 2009


I just created my blog.
I'm not very good at blogging yet. Hee hee......