Monday, January 19, 2009


To: Mrs Tay & others
I really am rather stressed. I have extra classes every day except for Friday.
Plus, I have quite a lot of homework from school as well as my tuition classes. This results in going to bed late and not having sufficient sleep.
Sometimes I feel like pulling my hair out!
But what calms me down at the end of the day is playing with my pet rats.

It's a fact that people who own pets live longer.......


  1. really?i hv 2 hamsters but one v. sick...noe any vets who specializes in small animals?

  2. Sorry, Jing Ying,but I just got my rats 4 Christmas and they haven't been sick so
    I haven't needed to take them to the vet.
    Hope your hamster gets better.Good luck
    finding a vet.:)
