Wednesday, January 16, 2013


I am subjecting my teeth to 18 months of metal wires,  tight rubber bands and soreness.

Yes, I am getting braces.

I always knew that i would be getting braces at some point or another since i hardly have blindingly brilliant bleached Barbie teeth, all straight and smile-worthy. Basically....i look more like, say, Spongebob in the aspect of les dents...

Am i nervous? No...not yet anyway. I'm just living in the braceless moment, trying my very hardest to appreciate my freedom, but failing horribly. see, i won't know how much ive missed until i actually get the braces on. At the same time though, i'm excited. mostly for the result. because like most people, i wish there were a quick fix so that vain little me won't have to live with gross teeth/ a metal bound mouth.

anywho i really feel like such a disgusting self-absorbed, superficial vain little stink talking about all this. The truth is that one day my teeth are going to fall out so it wouldn't really have mattered what they looked like before.
BUT The bottom line is: i'm lucky and so so blessed to be able to have this so i will be grateful. thankful. every day. 

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