Saturday, July 11, 2009

*National Day Parade

The NDP Parade was absolutely, definitely, positively, without a doubt(ly (?)), tremendously, totally, really...........and obviously fun. Need I say more? Well, actually, yes, I do.

At home I was rushing, rushing, rushing while my dad was being deliberately slow and really irritating (sorry) when I got there I was afraid I was late. BUT, I wasn't at all and I had to rush for nothing. THEN they made us wait for hours and hours just sitting there...........which was just ridiculous. We received our fun packs (mine was pink) and it had lots of stuff in it. We got water, sweets, biscuits, a poncho which was needed later on, a heart lantern, a mini drum set shaped like a hand, a Singapore flag and tattoo in the fun pack.

Then we received our dinner which was KFC. At first I was very much looking forward to this as it's yummy. I was elated to find that there was mashed potato but I wasn't exactly elated, just happy. But (dramatic sounds in the background) there was a zinger burger which was s-p-i-c-y. More about that later. I had to squeeze all the stuff from the fun pack and all the things I brought into the fun pack and it was so stuffed I couldn't close it.

The buses came and we had to squeeze three people on two seats and I was all squeezed and bored. Finally we got there. Yay! Then we found our seats which were very good because they were in between the stage and the water so we had a good view of all the performances. We were sitting in the dark blue sector and our sector-ish person was Michelle Chong. We had to wait around for ages again, so me and Melissa put on our tattoos. Finally it started. At first we just learned how to do the Singapore "heartbeat" and things like that preparing for the show.

On the stage there was this big screen shaped like an eye called The Big Eye which displayed videos and words and other things. Next to The Big Eye, there were two big box things on both sides and people were dancing in it! The performances were nice. They did all sorts of dancing from all the different cultures. Then they had this thing about 10 chapters: showing Singapore through the years. There was lots of nice music and some weird dancing.............It was so cool..................We were so lucky to be able to watch the NDP (Even if it wasn't the real thing.)

Then there was this helicopter, a tiny speck in the sky that kept coming closer and closer........until it was much nearer- but not THAT near. Then these people jumped out of the helicopter with red parachutes one by one. They were..............THE RED LIONS!!! It was really cool and it looked really fun and I wished that I could try it one day.

Then it was getting dark and I ate my zinger burger which was so spicy that I just ate the bread. Then suddenly there were these big red balls coming out from the top of the seats, and by big I mean really big. You were supposed to hit the balls and make sure they went down to the bottom. Luckily, I hit one that was coming our way.

Then we sang some songs while waving our heart lanterns and then it started drizzling. A lot of people started putting their ponchos on but I didn't care. Then suddenly it was absolutely pouring and I still didn't put my poncho on as I couldn't be bothered to find it and put it on so I used an umbrella. But by that time, I was completely soaked. I didn't really mind, though.

I wasn't very organised and completely forgot about my bag which was just there collecting water. When I realised, I was really scared all my stuff would be ruined. Luckily, not much harm was done and I did not bring a camera or phone. Then came, obviously, the fireworks! The fire works were really great..........somewhat even more beautiful in the rain. There were gold and blue and red..........and even one shaped like a heart!

When the performances and things had finished, we made our way down the steps which was really dangerous and water was gushing down .....a bit like a mini waterfall. My socks and shoes got comletely soaked as they were FULLY submerged in the rain water!!! We then made our way to the bus stop. In order not to get lost, some schools had card thingys prepared for them, but we didn't. Instead we had a pink balloon, held by Mrs Tan, to follow.

We made it safely to the bus stop and shook ourselves dry (not- we were as wet as ever.) Then we waited ages and ages and ages for the bus to come. Finally, it came and we all boarded it and tried to find seats. On the journey back, I kept wishing my feet weren't so squishy and soggy.....


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