Wednesday, July 1, 2009

*Ancient Greece

Question: Would you like to have lived in Ancient Greece as a female????????
Hmm......What a mind-boggling question.........................
Actually, it's not AT ALL. The answer is a no-brainer.
OBVIOUSLY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!
After reading the text in the English text book, I felt extremely angry at all the men who practically thought women were useless etc..
No sane person would want to live in ancient Greece just to marry some old guy.
The women had no say, were not counted as citizens, could not own property, and most girls could not go to school. Also, for some silly reason, it was against the law for women to act.
That was SO unfair. I'm so happy all that has changed now, but most of it just happened recently(about 1-2 centuries ago).
And yet even now some certain men and boys are still like......that.
PS. I am NOT insulting Greece........this is Ancient Greece.


  1. Most ancient cultures didn't treat their women nicely....

    I think men should be nicer to us cos we play a vital part in continuing the human race! And we're pretty and intelligent and stuff...
