Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The rats' visit to the vet

Hi guys.....the reason that I have not blogged for so long is because of exams. So, exams are over and so I'm writing something..................BTW, I'm cooped up at home cuz I've got EVIL TONSILLITIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, anyway, the ratties went to the vet 2 weeks ago on Tuesday because Cheddar had a big sore on her foot that was bleeding in the morning. Elsha came along because I didn't want to leave her at home by herself........and for company for Cheddar. my mum went to Bukit Timah Plaza and bought a small blue carrier cage (because we obviously couldn't bring their usual cage.)
So then we went to a nearby vet in Sunset Way called The Animal Clinic. (What a creative name!!! Ha ha.) It smelled like disinfectant and all that intimidating stuff. Then the people at the counter tried to take Cheddar's weight while she struggled...........but the weighing scale didn't even work!!!!
So anyway, soon it was our turn to see the vet. She was a girl, or should I say woman. She had take Cheddar's weight but she wouldn't want to come out. We tried to coax her with some food but she wouldn't budge.(Elsha took the food instead :) ) So we had to take the lid of the cage and open up the tissue box from the side and make her come out. So the vet took her weight while she wriggled. I felt so bad and wished I could explain to her what was happening so that she wouldn't be so scared.
Then, the vet examined Cheddar's foot and said that she would give us this cleaning solution to clean the sore before powdering her foot with some antibiotic powder-thingy. And, she also gave some antibiotics to be taken orally. She said that if Cheddar's condition had not improved within 2 weeks, we would have to bring her back and possibly have to do surgery to remove the sore.
She said that small animals do not take well to anesthetic and there was a high risk of them dying. I gulped. And hoped and prayed that IF Cheddar had to have surgery, that would NOT happen. Also, she said that rabbits were rodents. They are not! They belong to the species lagomorphs..........and are actually more closely related to horses than to mice! I was thinking, "get your facts right!"
So my mother paid for the bills and we went home.................
(later on we found quite a number of poos in the tissue box. they do that when they are scared.)
I praised the ratties for being brave, especially Cheddar, and that was the end of their first visit to the vet.

But then...........................
We "powdered" Cheddar and gave her the antibiotics with a sugar solution but she wouldn't eat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no!!!!!!! So, my mum had to specially prepare watercress soup which is actually really really delicious, and put the antibiotics into the soup for Cheddar. Of course, Elsha had a separate bowl(without medicine). And the good thing was: she ate it! and then we tried it with milk.........and yes she ate/drank it too! Although she didn't quite finish it. But after that day, she wouldn't have anymore. :( But we still continued to powder her foot and yes, it DID get better, thankfully. BUT it was still not completely healed. (Far from it, actually.)
We are still powdering (of course we have to clean it with the cleaning solution first) but we have given up on the antibiotics................


  1. Is Cheddar's foot getting better? I hope so.

  2. well........it got better then it got worse again and now its getting better again. btw, elsha is getting a little too.......but dont worry hers is v small.
