Monday, May 14, 2012


One time in Lang Arts lesson (Language Arts - English), we watched this BBC video about all these incredibly amazing writers (which I will never become, sadly), and how they go about their writing process, and their inspirations etc. So there was this part where one of the writers was at a primary school and conducting all sorts of activities to try and get the students to get creative and have fun with making up stories. So, they were to use celebrities and make stories out of them. There was one involving a rivalry between Simon Cowell and Louie Walsh, which instantly gave me the image of them giving each other the evil eye. I found it immensely hilarious, and almost burst out laughter, out of the absurdity, and yet, shocking realisticness of it all.

Then I looked about the classroom, and all I saw was blank expressions, the jovial feeling snuffed there and then. Somehow, I felt frustrated with them for not wanting to laugh, not wanting to smile, not understanding.

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