Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ballet Exam

I just had my Grade 4 ballet exam five days ago. My examiner was called Ms Truffi from Brazil. She was quite pretty and nice and had red hair. I made so many horrible mistakes! Boo hoo hoo........ :( After my exam Miriam and I had double scoop chocolate ice cream from Happy Kappy. :) Oh well, that's all, I hope I pass.

*The Holidays

Hi all! I haven't really been doing much this holiday.....................was a bit blah (boring). I will describe what I did very briefly. So I'll start from Monday. On Monday, as most of you would know if you are in 5I or GEP class, we went for the Chinese Language Camp in Rosyth School which, no offence to anybody, was extremely boring. Bleargh! And all I got was a Hello Kitty notebook, a pen and a pencil. Tuesday I as well as some others went to a debating competition, but I wasn't debating I was just a non-participant, as they called me. Led by Madam Rosaidah and Clement's father, we went to Hwa Chong Institution. As usual, there were lots of talks about debating techniques.......................... In the first round (motion: This house believes that handphones do more harm than good) Team A (opposition) was against Fairfield Methodist and we won! Sadly, Team B (proposition) lost to Radin Mas Team A. In the second round (motion: this house believes that parents must be held responsible for the wrongdoings of their children) Team A lost to Casuarina Primary School. Also, my tooth fell out in the middle of the debate! Hee hee.............. I saw Vienna, my friend who changed to Nanyang because of the GEP, so that was nice. On Thursday Melissa came over to complete our YOG project. On Sunday my friend Miriam came over to practise ballet because our ballet exam was coming up very soon, and I'll tell you about that in another post.
The End

Friday, March 6, 2009

*Can you love an object more than your family?

An object cannot be more valuable than a family member, because a family member can care for you whereas an object is inanimate and has no feelings.

If my house were on fire I would not care about my possessions even if they were valuable or expensive, because people (and animals) are more important than things.

Say for example you lost a lot of money, you might be able to earn it back, but once a family member (including pets) dies, you will never be able to see or speak to the person again on earth.

$1000000 might seem like a lot of money, but a person is worth much more than that.


1. I wish to live in England with Elsha & Cheddar (I hope you know who they are by now). But then I suppose I would have to build a teleporter so I could visit all my friends in Singapore and vice versa. I want to live in England because it's fun and all my relatives are there. You can do fun stuff like horse riding and there are all kinds of lovely places you can go to, unlike Singapore which can get a bit boring. I think the weather there is just right. I would like to see spring and autumn, which is difficult at the moment because of school.

2. I wish I had more time to learn a new skill. Since I already know how to knit perhaps I could learn how to make bigger things/projects.

3. I wish I had green fingers and a garden with a nice pond with loads of space for my rats to run around. I would arrange my plants, herbs and flowers in such a way that it would look nice and attractive with bright colours.

4. I wish I had the opportunity go on a safari in the African grasslands to see giraffes, elephants and other animals up close in their natural surroundings and not in a zoo.

5. I wish I was better at science and could study things like biology, zoology and botany.

6. I would like to have the opportunity to go round the world to see other cultures (and go on their rollercoasters).

( These 'wishes' are not arranged in any order of preference.)