Tuesday, June 30, 2009

*Nancy Drew movie

I don't suppose you've watched the Nancy Drew movie?( Nancy drew is acted by Emma Roberts.) I watched it with my friend Christy..........late at night. No, it's not really a horror movie at all, but it can be quite scary at some parts.
For example, in the middle of the night, these EYES suddenly appear and it's very creepy, freaky, scary, gives you chills.........whatever. I screamed!really loudly.......and......in Christy's ear
[Emily looking sheepish.] She wasn't too pleased about that.
There are a lot of other scary parts but this is the scariest(to me.) After that, Christy kept teasing me by imitating the EYES but it wasn't nearly as creepy, freaky, scary, gives you chills.........whatever, as the real thing.
Anyway, I really liked the movie and I like the books. Once, I 'solved' the mystery before 'Nancy Drew' did.
Advice to whoever is reading this: WARNING! Never watch the Nancy Drew movie with Emily Wong unless you would like to be deaf ( or already are.)

1 comment:

  1. I think nancy drew is a good movie to. I thought the eyes bit was scary but I didn't scream. Maybe that was because I watched it in the middle of the afternoon....
