Friday, June 19, 2009

*Buckets full of stuff to talk about

I have been neglecting my blog for quite a while.............................................

So I'm going to make up for the many posts I owe.
(This one post is made up of a few posts. So it is counted as 3 instead of one)

1. Naughty rats!!!!!!!!!!!! .................. 29 June

Rats are rodents so they have teeth that keep growing so they would naturally want to chew things (so that their teeth don't get too know you can cut their teeth?).
So, I put them on the sofa and they hid behind the cushion. When I took them out from behind the cushion, there was a hole in the sofa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You could actually see the stuffing. The hole wasn't that big, luckily. My mum was a bit angry.

A few days later, my mum told my dad about 'The Hole In The Sofa', because I wouldn't.

LUCKILY, my dad wasn't that mad. He even joked about it!

What rascally little rats! I guess it's not their fault, really. Anyway, after that day, Elsha and Cheddar were forbidden to go on the sofa.

2. Vietnam ..................5-8 June

I went to Vietnam, Hanoi for a few days as my dad had to give a speech/talk.
On the first day, we had chicken pho (noodles). (It's supposed to have squiggley lines on top but I don't know how to do that.(It's pronounced 'fer'.)) It's really yummy. After that, we went to the hotel we were staying. It was really nice-almost as big as my house and it had a nice restaurant. I just lazed around for a while. After that, our family went to walk outside. The air was really polluted and so I kept complaining (my hobby)and my mum told me to be quiet. Humph! It was really scary when we tried to cross the road. It was as if the motorcyclists didn't even see us.

On the second day, our tour guide took us all over the place. We were going to see Ho Chi Minh's body but the queue was so long.................and (ahem)we weren't very keen on seeing a dead body. I don't mean to disrespectful or rude.....................We went to all these temples and stuff.
I was so tired by the end of that day. For dinner, I had yummy fettuccine carbonara and a banana milkshake.

Third day: We went (without the tour guide)to a museum-ish place to see how people used to live in Vietnam 100 years ago.Then we went to have lunch at a place called Gecko.Yum!
After a short break at the hotel, we went to watch the water puppets. My sister loved it a lot. Personally, I found a bit boring and was a real let-down because they were all speaking in Vietnamese so it was hard to understand. Then we went street shopping. I am seriously addicted to/obsessed with these cute dragonfly-things. They're wooden with pretty patterns on them with sparkles and you balance them on your fingers. Then we saw some nice shoes, but for some reason, I was too embarrassed to say I liked them.

LAST DAY: Today we packed and stuff. I can't really remember what else happened. On the plane, there was not much to do as all the movies and music was really boring.
When I got home, the first thing I did was snuggle my rats and checked on them. You see, the while we were away, the rats were at home with no one to look after them. I really really missed them and I was very worried as we have never left them alone before. But don't worry, they had 2 water bottles filled with water in them and two food bowls with loads of food.

3. CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have ever mentioned how much I love cheese? I mean the proper cheese, not the fake and processed cheese that comes in thin, floppy slices. I will eat nearly any kind of cheese. Well, I haven't tried all types of cheese actually. But I like all the cheese that I have tried so far.
When I was smaller, my dad used to call me mouse because I loved cheese so much.
My mum sometimes makes her cheese special just for me. It's cheese in a sandwich fried so that the bread is all crunchy and the cheese is all melted and YUMMY! Nothing can go wrong with grounded parmesan sprinkled(or dumped if you love a lot of cheese) on top of mushroom soup.

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