Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, Guess I’ll go and eat some worms, Long, thin, slimy ones; Short, fat, juicy ones, Itsy, bitsy, slimy wimy worms.

We have our Service Learning (SL) trip coming up soon (on Tuesday actually), where we have to serve and learn, bascially.
We go to places overseas where we can help out, like old folks' homes, orphanges and the like. Our class is going to Hanoi, Vietnam, which I've actually been to, and I wanted to go to Cambodia instead, as I've heard it's really cool and I haven't been there before.....but anyway, it doesn't really matter where we go, the point is to have a really fulfilling experience, and to make the most of the trip in doing as much as we can, and also taking back with us memories and learning valuable lessons.

Anyway, to keep things as organised as possible, as teachers like to be, and to stretch our 'leadership potential', we have been assigned roles. eg. in charge of luggage, social interaction, gifts and whatnot to prepare us for the trip and during the trip, too.
Anyway, it was one of those things where you have to volunteer for a position yourself, and only those really enthusiastic and not self-conscious actually 'turn themselves in', while the rest of us all sit around trying to be invisible.
So, I am one of these invisibility cloak fans, so i didn't say anything, while strategically planning in my head which role i would volunteer for without looking too crazy about it (bad impression on classmates), nor looking too reluctant (bad impression on teachers), and who i would do it with, and how to get the timing just right....
when, mr Cheong, my form teacher, who was grinning psychotically.....ok, not really, but in a somewhat mwahahaheeheeheehehehehmeehee sort of way, pointed at me and my friend who i sit with in class to the other teacher who was keying in the names into the computer, and i ended up in charge of welfare........and she became........a mother hen. That's right, a mother hen.

So all my plans and dreams of becoming this, this, and this, with her, her and her instantaneously came crashing down. Instead, I have to run around everywhere with a First Aid kit and looking after other people, when I dont even know how to look after myself.

And guess what, after he had sabotaged us, Mr Cheong tried to give a reason for his doings, saying that our side of the room (by that he meant the two of us) was very quiet and he wanted us to step out of our comfort zones.....Well.
I think he was just picking on us really.....because there were so many
other people pretending to be scarecrows.

I know when i'm not liked.
.....guess I'm going to eat some worms.

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