Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The rats' visit to the vet

Hi guys.....the reason that I have not blogged for so long is because of exams. So, exams are over and so I'm writing something..................BTW, I'm cooped up at home cuz I've got EVIL TONSILLITIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK, anyway, the ratties went to the vet 2 weeks ago on Tuesday because Cheddar had a big sore on her foot that was bleeding in the morning. Elsha came along because I didn't want to leave her at home by herself........and for company for Cheddar. my mum went to Bukit Timah Plaza and bought a small blue carrier cage (because we obviously couldn't bring their usual cage.)
So then we went to a nearby vet in Sunset Way called The Animal Clinic. (What a creative name!!! Ha ha.) It smelled like disinfectant and all that intimidating stuff. Then the people at the counter tried to take Cheddar's weight while she struggled...........but the weighing scale didn't even work!!!!
So anyway, soon it was our turn to see the vet. She was a girl, or should I say woman. She had take Cheddar's weight but she wouldn't want to come out. We tried to coax her with some food but she wouldn't budge.(Elsha took the food instead :) ) So we had to take the lid of the cage and open up the tissue box from the side and make her come out. So the vet took her weight while she wriggled. I felt so bad and wished I could explain to her what was happening so that she wouldn't be so scared.
Then, the vet examined Cheddar's foot and said that she would give us this cleaning solution to clean the sore before powdering her foot with some antibiotic powder-thingy. And, she also gave some antibiotics to be taken orally. She said that if Cheddar's condition had not improved within 2 weeks, we would have to bring her back and possibly have to do surgery to remove the sore.
She said that small animals do not take well to anesthetic and there was a high risk of them dying. I gulped. And hoped and prayed that IF Cheddar had to have surgery, that would NOT happen. Also, she said that rabbits were rodents. They are not! They belong to the species lagomorphs..........and are actually more closely related to horses than to mice! I was thinking, "get your facts right!"
So my mother paid for the bills and we went home.................
(later on we found quite a number of poos in the tissue box. they do that when they are scared.)
I praised the ratties for being brave, especially Cheddar, and that was the end of their first visit to the vet.

But then...........................
We "powdered" Cheddar and gave her the antibiotics with a sugar solution but she wouldn't eat it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh no!!!!!!! So, my mum had to specially prepare watercress soup which is actually really really delicious, and put the antibiotics into the soup for Cheddar. Of course, Elsha had a separate bowl(without medicine). And the good thing was: she ate it! and then we tried it with milk.........and yes she ate/drank it too! Although she didn't quite finish it. But after that day, she wouldn't have anymore. :( But we still continued to powder her foot and yes, it DID get better, thankfully. BUT it was still not completely healed. (Far from it, actually.)
We are still powdering (of course we have to clean it with the cleaning solution first) but we have given up on the antibiotics................

Monday, November 2, 2009


EXAMS ARE OVER OVER OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
we're finally free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

*If I were a fruit....................

This is kind of a weird topic..............but if I had to choose I'd be a watermelon. Mainly because watermelon's my favourite fruit but also because they're so juicy and delicious...............Go watermelons!
OR......................I would be a fruit that has some sort of defence, if you know what I mean...................maybe a durian or something? Because I would not want anyone to eat me and so I would have to have spikes or some other defence to protect myself. I would love to be a fruit and hang from the treetops and watch what goes on beneath me and chat with my other fruit friends................................extremely silly, I know.......but what can you expect?

Friday, August 21, 2009

Rat's birthday

Elsha and Cheddar's birthdays are tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(22nd August.) I guess they wouldn't really appreciate somthing like humans would for a present so I'm just going to give them delicious treats.............they LOVE food. By the way, they will turn ONE tomorrow..............

Friday, August 14, 2009

*A quote

"Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot."
Clarence Thomas

What does this quote mean to me?
Well, I'm not exactly a quote-y kind of person........but, oh well.

I guess it means that no matter how smart you are, if you are rude to people, they won't listen to you or be nice to you.

So if you're all smarty-pants, but you're completely stuck up and rude and proud, people won't like you.

Being polite can warm peoples hearts, and can make people your friends. So.......erm.......you know. Have good manners.:)

Sunday, August 9, 2009


I'm so happy today because I just got a swaveboard that I have been craving for months and months..................!!!!!!!!!!!! It's black with white hibiscuses on it and it's called Black Hibiscus. Once you know how to move on it it's really easy. You need to be able to balance well. My friends, Miriam and Christy, have swaveboards too. It's so fun!!!!!!!!!!:)and I love the feeling of going down slope at top speed................

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


I felt like posting something but I have no idea what to write about so I'll just tell you that Elsha and Cheddar's birthdays are coming up............:)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Hi..........should I get a cbox? And an ipod-y music thing???????????
Please tell me how I can improve my blog and stuff..................

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Don't you all LOVE colours??!! Without colours our lives would be boring.....and dull. Colours bring spark and well........... fun and happiness to our lives. You notice that all my blog entries have bright colours, not only does this capture the readers attention, it can also emphasise a word, and make my blog more colourful. Right now, I don't really have a favourite colour- I love all colours!!!!!!! They brighten my day and I would totally die without them.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

*National Day Parade

The NDP Parade was absolutely, definitely, positively, without a doubt(ly (?)), tremendously, totally, really...........and obviously fun. Need I say more? Well, actually, yes, I do.

At home I was rushing, rushing, rushing while my dad was being deliberately slow and really irritating (sorry) when I got there I was afraid I was late. BUT, I wasn't at all and I had to rush for nothing. THEN they made us wait for hours and hours just sitting there...........which was just ridiculous. We received our fun packs (mine was pink) and it had lots of stuff in it. We got water, sweets, biscuits, a poncho which was needed later on, a heart lantern, a mini drum set shaped like a hand, a Singapore flag and tattoo in the fun pack.

Then we received our dinner which was KFC. At first I was very much looking forward to this as it's yummy. I was elated to find that there was mashed potato but I wasn't exactly elated, just happy. But (dramatic sounds in the background) there was a zinger burger which was s-p-i-c-y. More about that later. I had to squeeze all the stuff from the fun pack and all the things I brought into the fun pack and it was so stuffed I couldn't close it.

The buses came and we had to squeeze three people on two seats and I was all squeezed and bored. Finally we got there. Yay! Then we found our seats which were very good because they were in between the stage and the water so we had a good view of all the performances. We were sitting in the dark blue sector and our sector-ish person was Michelle Chong. We had to wait around for ages again, so me and Melissa put on our tattoos. Finally it started. At first we just learned how to do the Singapore "heartbeat" and things like that preparing for the show.

On the stage there was this big screen shaped like an eye called The Big Eye which displayed videos and words and other things. Next to The Big Eye, there were two big box things on both sides and people were dancing in it! The performances were nice. They did all sorts of dancing from all the different cultures. Then they had this thing about 10 chapters: showing Singapore through the years. There was lots of nice music and some weird dancing.............It was so cool..................We were so lucky to be able to watch the NDP (Even if it wasn't the real thing.)

Then there was this helicopter, a tiny speck in the sky that kept coming closer and closer........until it was much nearer- but not THAT near. Then these people jumped out of the helicopter with red parachutes one by one. They were..............THE RED LIONS!!! It was really cool and it looked really fun and I wished that I could try it one day.

Then it was getting dark and I ate my zinger burger which was so spicy that I just ate the bread. Then suddenly there were these big red balls coming out from the top of the seats, and by big I mean really big. You were supposed to hit the balls and make sure they went down to the bottom. Luckily, I hit one that was coming our way.

Then we sang some songs while waving our heart lanterns and then it started drizzling. A lot of people started putting their ponchos on but I didn't care. Then suddenly it was absolutely pouring and I still didn't put my poncho on as I couldn't be bothered to find it and put it on so I used an umbrella. But by that time, I was completely soaked. I didn't really mind, though.

I wasn't very organised and completely forgot about my bag which was just there collecting water. When I realised, I was really scared all my stuff would be ruined. Luckily, not much harm was done and I did not bring a camera or phone. Then came, obviously, the fireworks! The fire works were really great..........somewhat even more beautiful in the rain. There were gold and blue and red..........and even one shaped like a heart!

When the performances and things had finished, we made our way down the steps which was really dangerous and water was gushing down .....a bit like a mini waterfall. My socks and shoes got comletely soaked as they were FULLY submerged in the rain water!!! We then made our way to the bus stop. In order not to get lost, some schools had card thingys prepared for them, but we didn't. Instead we had a pink balloon, held by Mrs Tan, to follow.

We made it safely to the bus stop and shook ourselves dry (not- we were as wet as ever.) Then we waited ages and ages and ages for the bus to come. Finally, it came and we all boarded it and tried to find seats. On the journey back, I kept wishing my feet weren't so squishy and soggy.....


Wednesday, July 1, 2009

*Ancient Greece

Question: Would you like to have lived in Ancient Greece as a female????????
Hmm......What a mind-boggling question.........................
Actually, it's not AT ALL. The answer is a no-brainer.
OBVIOUSLY NOT!!!!!!!!!!!
After reading the text in the English text book, I felt extremely angry at all the men who practically thought women were useless etc..
No sane person would want to live in ancient Greece just to marry some old guy.
The women had no say, were not counted as citizens, could not own property, and most girls could not go to school. Also, for some silly reason, it was against the law for women to act.
That was SO unfair. I'm so happy all that has changed now, but most of it just happened recently(about 1-2 centuries ago).
And yet even now some certain men and boys are still like......that.
PS. I am NOT insulting Greece........this is Ancient Greece.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

*Nancy Drew movie

I don't suppose you've watched the Nancy Drew movie?( Nancy drew is acted by Emma Roberts.) I watched it with my friend Christy..........late at night. No, it's not really a horror movie at all, but it can be quite scary at some parts.
For example, in the middle of the night, these EYES suddenly appear and it's very creepy, freaky, scary, gives you chills.........whatever. I screamed!really loudly.......and......in Christy's ear
[Emily looking sheepish.] She wasn't too pleased about that.
There are a lot of other scary parts but this is the scariest(to me.) After that, Christy kept teasing me by imitating the EYES but it wasn't nearly as creepy, freaky, scary, gives you chills.........whatever, as the real thing.
Anyway, I really liked the movie and I like the books. Once, I 'solved' the mystery before 'Nancy Drew' did.
Advice to whoever is reading this: WARNING! Never watch the Nancy Drew movie with Emily Wong unless you would like to be deaf ( or already are.)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

*THE END!!!!!!!!!!

Can you believe it??????????? I can't. It is the END of the holidays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it!!!!!!!! There's so much stuff I didn't do. It's weird...............
It's as if the holidays started a year ago -because I just remember it was long ago (or maybe my memory is failing????) and yet the holidays were over in a day's time.
At first a lot of my friends were over seas so I had no one to play with, but then most came back.
I was very naughty and didn't do my homework till the last minute. then there was this big rush and it wasn't nice AT ALL. I promise that I will not be like that ever again..............hopefully.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

*Sleepover (part 1)

On Sunday I went to my friend Christy's house for a sleepover. Before dinner we smuggled some snacks from the snacks cupboard into the bedroom and hid them! (Preparing for midnight feast.) Then we had dinner which was udon but it wasn't the same as the way my mum makes it and it had fishballs, and I don't like fishballs so I gave them all to my friend's dad and he ended up with about 14! After that we made clay sculptures for our dads for Fathers day from clay that you air-dry. Christy made a face and I made a pen holder/pot. We made a big mess and left clay and water everywhere!
Before I continue I have to tell you what a swaveboard is. It is a bit like a skateboard but you operate it by moving your legs back and forth. There are two paddles joined in the middle. Christy put her flashing wheels on it because it was at night, and we went all over the place and for the first time ever I went uphill successfully. Going downhill is much more fun. It may be scary the first time you do it but after you get used to it it's really really fun. Because it was at night we couldn't go down the really fun slope which is steeper and longer with a turn. Then we went back upstairs.
At this point we ate our smuggled snacks while watching TV, and then after That's So Raven Christy plugged in her laptop. At first it was all fuzzy and kept pausing and the voices were all funny, but after we hit the battery it was ok. We went on Youtube and watched some Disney series and Sonny with a Chance which has Demi Lovato in it who isn't very nice (I don't think). Then my brain started feeling a bit dizzy and we both started feeling very tired so we shut it down. I looked at the clock and it read 5 AM!!!!!!! Christy said that was the latest she had ever stayed up for a sleepover. We effortlessly closed our eyes and fell asleep. SNORE...................

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

*Sleepover (part 2)

I awoke to the sound of "Emily, Christy, wake up!" It was Christy's maid, who drew the curtains and let the merciless sunlight stun me. We looked at the clock and guess what, it was 1 pm! I couldn't believe we were waking up so late, but then again we slept very late. Christy's maid had left our lunch and breakfast underneath a fly net. We turned on the TV and watched while eating our food. I took out the onions from my sandwich because they were yucky. Then we spent about an hour or so lying around in the living room and groaning, "What shall we do?" and replying, "I don't know," and being extremely bored.
Finally we decided to go downstairs on the swaveboard again, and this time because it was daytime we could go down the really fun slope. Christy also brought her toothbrush (in her mouth!) and her bicycle down. At the bottom of the slope, (as it was too steep for me )Christy brought me up on her bicycle that had 2 seats. At the last part which was really steep, she couldn't take it anymore and died. We went over and over again and it was really fun. Then we went to the carpark because the ground is really smooth.Then there was a cleaner there who said really weird things to Christy (in chinese) and Christy didn't even know her.
Then it was time for me to go home, but while we were walking to the place where my mum said she would pick me up, we went to a water fountain and started splashing water at each other.
We got soaking wet, but luckily my mum did not scold me. And that was the end of a brilliant sleepover.


One day ( I can't remember specifically) after I had my dinner I went over to the sofa and saw this cute little baby lizard that was just a bit smaller than my pinky. It jumped onto my hand (it was really tickly!), then I showed everyone. Naturally, they said things like, "Ew........................................ a lizard!? .........................Get rid of it!!!" and so on and so forth. Then, as I was just about to put it outside it leaped into my hair. I know it was really cute, but a lizard in my hair? No thanks. I asked my mum, who was outside, too, to brush it off. The lizard landed on the floor safe and sound and I went back into my house.

Friday, June 19, 2009

*Buckets full of stuff to talk about

I have been neglecting my blog for quite a while.............................................

So I'm going to make up for the many posts I owe.
(This one post is made up of a few posts. So it is counted as 3 instead of one)

1. Naughty rats!!!!!!!!!!!! .................. 29 June

Rats are rodents so they have teeth that keep growing so they would naturally want to chew things (so that their teeth don't get too long.......................you know you can cut their teeth?).
So, I put them on the sofa and they hid behind the cushion. When I took them out from behind the cushion, there was a hole in the sofa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You could actually see the stuffing. The hole wasn't that big, luckily. My mum was a bit angry.

A few days later, my mum told my dad about 'The Hole In The Sofa', because I wouldn't.

LUCKILY, my dad wasn't that mad. He even joked about it!

What rascally little rats! I guess it's not their fault, really. Anyway, after that day, Elsha and Cheddar were forbidden to go on the sofa.

2. Vietnam ..................5-8 June

I went to Vietnam, Hanoi for a few days as my dad had to give a speech/talk.
On the first day, we had chicken pho (noodles). (It's supposed to have squiggley lines on top but I don't know how to do that.(It's pronounced 'fer'.)) It's really yummy. After that, we went to the hotel we were staying. It was really nice-almost as big as my house and it had a nice restaurant. I just lazed around for a while. After that, our family went to walk outside. The air was really polluted and so I kept complaining (my hobby)and my mum told me to be quiet. Humph! It was really scary when we tried to cross the road. It was as if the motorcyclists didn't even see us.

On the second day, our tour guide took us all over the place. We were going to see Ho Chi Minh's body but the queue was so long.................and (ahem)we weren't very keen on seeing a dead body. I don't mean to disrespectful or rude.....................We went to all these temples and stuff.
I was so tired by the end of that day. For dinner, I had yummy fettuccine carbonara and a banana milkshake.

Third day: We went (without the tour guide)to a museum-ish place to see how people used to live in Vietnam 100 years ago.Then we went to have lunch at a place called Gecko.Yum!
After a short break at the hotel, we went to watch the water puppets. My sister loved it a lot. Personally, I found a bit boring and was a real let-down because they were all speaking in Vietnamese so it was hard to understand. Then we went street shopping. I am seriously addicted to/obsessed with these cute dragonfly-things. They're wooden with pretty patterns on them with sparkles and you balance them on your fingers. Then we saw some nice shoes, but for some reason, I was too embarrassed to say I liked them.

LAST DAY: Today we packed and stuff. I can't really remember what else happened. On the plane, there was not much to do as all the movies and music was really boring.
When I got home, the first thing I did was snuggle my rats and checked on them. You see, the while we were away, the rats were at home with no one to look after them. I really really missed them and I was very worried as we have never left them alone before. But don't worry, they had 2 water bottles filled with water in them and two food bowls with loads of food.

3. CHEESE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have ever mentioned how much I love cheese? I mean the proper cheese, not the fake and processed cheese that comes in thin, floppy slices. I will eat nearly any kind of cheese. Well, I haven't tried all types of cheese actually. But I like all the cheese that I have tried so far.
When I was smaller, my dad used to call me mouse because I loved cheese so much.
My mum sometimes makes her cheese special just for me. It's cheese in a sandwich fried so that the bread is all crunchy and the cheese is all melted and YUMMY! Nothing can go wrong with grounded parmesan sprinkled(or dumped if you love a lot of cheese) on top of mushroom soup.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


Well, I don't exactly have a favourite place.....................I guess it would have to be my home. I feel most comfortable at home; I can scream, shout, play music at the top volume.........whatever. I can play with my rats , or talk to family members. You don't need to be in your best behavior or be all quiet.
I love my home because it has the atmosphere that other places don't. Actually, I find that my favourite place would be my HOME and not my HOUSE. I am always moving house and I guess it's the atmosphere and that kind of thing not so much the building itself that makes it so.....home-ish................well, to me.
(By the way, what do you think teachers gain from giving us loads of homework???)

Friday, May 22, 2009


FINALLY! Exams are over!!! My Maths was the lowest(of course-it is my worst subject). I think my normal Chinese paper was not very well done, and my Maths marks, as usual, are very horrible........but more horrible than usual..........:( Oh well. Never mind............(If I talk about the positive and good marks you might think I'm boastful.)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Poll results

The poll results:

What is your favourite subject?

Maths: 7%
English: 14%
Chinese: 0%
Science: 21%
Art: 0%
Music: 0%
PE: 42%
Others: 14%

Most people like PE.

What kind of music do you like best?

Pop: 53%
Classical: 7%
Rock: 30%
Jazz: 0%
Hip-hop: 0%
Rap: 0%
I don't like music: 7%

Most people like pop music.

Friday, April 17, 2009


2 Qs for you:
1 Do you have a pet(s)?
2 If yes, what is it/are they?

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sports Day

Today was Sports Day! It was super hot and the sun kept shining in my eyes.
I ran for the 100m girls and the 4 x 100m girls(4th runner).And guess what? I/my team was FIRST for BOTH! Yay! ( I was really scared before the races.............)
(I'm in 5 Intermingling B.) :)

Monday, April 6, 2009


I think that creativity is say 60% inborn and 40% taught. Creativity is having new ideas and how people express their personality in different ways. If you are talking about being good at writing and drawing that is mostly a gift that you are born with, but some kinds of creativity can be nurtured.
For instance, if you have some skill at drawing and your parents are very supportive and send you for classes and always encourage you, then you will probably get better (if you have the will). :)

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Part 1: My experience of courtesy
I don't think Singaporeans are very courteous. When I go to England I notice that people are more courteous there. But in Singapore people are not so courteous and friendly and I admit I am sort of like that too. But in England I feel more like being courteous because the atmosphere is more courteous there and people are nice and friendly and more polite.
I'm not saying that Singaporeans are not friendly, but they are always in a rush and don't have time to be very polite. So I just blend in and am not so polite, basically because I can't really be bothered. Hee hee........

Part 2: What courtesy means to me
Hmmm......................... As I said in Part 1 I am not exactly the most courteous person on earth, but I guess courtesy to me means polite behaviour and generally being nice and friendly. Also formal behaviour as you would behave on a formal occasion.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Ballet Exam

I just had my Grade 4 ballet exam five days ago. My examiner was called Ms Truffi from Brazil. She was quite pretty and nice and had red hair. I made so many horrible mistakes! Boo hoo hoo........ :( After my exam Miriam and I had double scoop chocolate ice cream from Happy Kappy. :) Oh well, that's all, I hope I pass.

*The Holidays

Hi all! I haven't really been doing much this holiday.....................was a bit blah (boring). I will describe what I did very briefly. So I'll start from Monday. On Monday, as most of you would know if you are in 5I or GEP class, we went for the Chinese Language Camp in Rosyth School which, no offence to anybody, was extremely boring. Bleargh! And all I got was a Hello Kitty notebook, a pen and a pencil. Tuesday I as well as some others went to a debating competition, but I wasn't debating I was just a non-participant, as they called me. Led by Madam Rosaidah and Clement's father, we went to Hwa Chong Institution. As usual, there were lots of talks about debating techniques.......................... In the first round (motion: This house believes that handphones do more harm than good) Team A (opposition) was against Fairfield Methodist and we won! Sadly, Team B (proposition) lost to Radin Mas Team A. In the second round (motion: this house believes that parents must be held responsible for the wrongdoings of their children) Team A lost to Casuarina Primary School. Also, my tooth fell out in the middle of the debate! Hee hee.............. I saw Vienna, my friend who changed to Nanyang because of the GEP, so that was nice. On Thursday Melissa came over to complete our YOG project. On Sunday my friend Miriam came over to practise ballet because our ballet exam was coming up very soon, and I'll tell you about that in another post.
The End

Friday, March 6, 2009

*Can you love an object more than your family?

An object cannot be more valuable than a family member, because a family member can care for you whereas an object is inanimate and has no feelings.

If my house were on fire I would not care about my possessions even if they were valuable or expensive, because people (and animals) are more important than things.

Say for example you lost a lot of money, you might be able to earn it back, but once a family member (including pets) dies, you will never be able to see or speak to the person again on earth.

$1000000 might seem like a lot of money, but a person is worth much more than that.


1. I wish to live in England with Elsha & Cheddar (I hope you know who they are by now). But then I suppose I would have to build a teleporter so I could visit all my friends in Singapore and vice versa. I want to live in England because it's fun and all my relatives are there. You can do fun stuff like horse riding and there are all kinds of lovely places you can go to, unlike Singapore which can get a bit boring. I think the weather there is just right. I would like to see spring and autumn, which is difficult at the moment because of school.

2. I wish I had more time to learn a new skill. Since I already know how to knit perhaps I could learn how to make bigger things/projects.

3. I wish I had green fingers and a garden with a nice pond with loads of space for my rats to run around. I would arrange my plants, herbs and flowers in such a way that it would look nice and attractive with bright colours.

4. I wish I had the opportunity go on a safari in the African grasslands to see giraffes, elephants and other animals up close in their natural surroundings and not in a zoo.

5. I wish I was better at science and could study things like biology, zoology and botany.

6. I would like to have the opportunity to go round the world to see other cultures (and go on their rollercoasters).

( These 'wishes' are not arranged in any order of preference.)

Saturday, February 21, 2009


Please do not post mean things about other people or any kind of hurtful thing.
Also NO bad words. I will remove any comment that is not appropriate.

( With effect from tomorrow, 22 Feb)

Thank you.
Elsha and Cheddar Management

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

11 is a dreaded number

Today I just turned 11 (more specifically around 8.30pm)............
that means no more 10-ish stuff :(
Oh well.............
I seriously DO NOT want to turn 11,but I already have so what can be done?
Being 11 means that in just 2 years I will leave my childhood(practically)and become a horrible 'I think I'm so cool' adolescent (teenager).
Let me warn U:
11 is a dreaded number.(It's also a prime number but what difference does that make?)
But HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me all the same. :)

*P5 Camp

I think the camp was brilliant!There were so many fun activities.
I know a lot of you are complaining about the toilets,dorms etc., but come on, this is camp! I was in group 17 so we had to perform the cheer by ourselves.
Our trainer's name is Je'taime:'I love you' in french.I think the food they gave was
ok......Some days it was really nice, but others they gave us spicy food and, no offence, I detest spicy food.
No such thing as toads or frogs in our dorm(4) and we slept really late and some girls kept waking me up..............
I do think the management should do something about the locks in the girls' bathroom. And the shirts were huge. (It was very sandy),but I l-o-v-e-d the songs and cheers and the claps we learnt.
The showers weren't that bad.In fact, I quite enjoyed the cold water. Camp chief Mac and the Trainers were really funny.
I hope all of you had fun........
(This would be my longest post so far in the history of my blog.So please forgive for any grammar,spelling etc. mistakes)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Hi all! My hobbies are:
  • Reading
  • Ice skating
  • Playing with my pet rats
  • Playing Zoo Tycoon 2 (computer game)
  • Listening to music
  • Watching Phineas and Ferb
  • Dancing


Friday, January 30, 2009

Chinese file

I can't buy the Chinese (purple) ring file. It's always out of stock!

........Really irritating...........

Friday, January 23, 2009

Chinese New Year

Hi all!
Happy Chinese New Year!!!
I've quite a lot of homework but I think
5 days is enough to complete it.
Happy holidays!
(Try not to think about homework.)
:) :) :)

Monday, January 19, 2009


To: Mrs Tay & others
I really am rather stressed. I have extra classes every day except for Friday.
Plus, I have quite a lot of homework from school as well as my tuition classes. This results in going to bed late and not having sufficient sleep.
Sometimes I feel like pulling my hair out!
But what calms me down at the end of the day is playing with my pet rats.

It's a fact that people who own pets live longer.......

Friday, January 16, 2009


I just created my blog.
I'm not very good at blogging yet. Hee hee......